COVID-19 : Your Obligations for WA Waveski Association Events

Do you have COVID-19?
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have not been medically cleared as no longer carrying the virus you must not attend the WAWSA event until you have a medical clearance to that effect.
Do you have any cold like symptoms?
If you have any symptoms such as fever with a cough, sore throat or difficulty breathing you must not attend the WAWSA event until the symptoms have been diagnosed as not being COVID-19.
Have you had a COVID-19 test?
If you are currently waiting for the results of a COVID-19 test you must not attend the WAWSA event until the results of the test are known and you have a negative result.
Have you been in close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19?
In the 14 days prior to the WAWSA event that you are attending, if you have been in close contact with any person diagnosed with COVID-19 you must not attend the event until you have a test for COVID-19 with a negative result.
Have you been in close contact with a person with cold like symptoms?
** Close contact means more than 15 minutes face-to-face or sharing a closed space for more than two hours.