Current News & Archives
Phantom Waveski FOR SALE. It can be viewed here.
Message From our President. Hi All, as you may be aware WAWSA has 2 State Round Wave Ski Competitions due on the Saturday and Sunday, 24 and 25 September, 2022 at Port Denison, Dongara - this being a long weekend.
To encourage a few more entries and generate future interest WAWSA will fund up to a maximum of $150 per member/family and which depending on the number of competitors may reduce from this amount.
To be eligible for this reimbursement members must actually participate in both Competitions. The amount provided will assist in fuel costs and expenses. Note the WAWSA Executive makes the final decision with amounts and conditions however we are endeavouring to pay up to the maximum amount stated. (WAWSA haven’t won the lottery hence some conditions are applicable!)
Our suggestion is if this is of interest then you should consider booking accommodation ASAP as this is over the long weekend and a popular destination.
The actual Comp entry forms will be open onlne on September 10th at 08:00am, closing date for entries being the Thursday, 22 September at 6:00pm.
The entry fees for both competions have also be waived.
Denmark State Round 1 & 2 dates have been changed to Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th February. Travel to the South West Region will only be permitted at 12:01am on Sunday 14th February. These dates could be subject to change as Perth and Peel will enter into a post-lockdown transition period until 12.01am, Sunday 14 February. This allows the full 14-day incubation period to run its course.
WA Waveski Association has a document listing your obligations in relation to COVID-19 if you are attending an event organised by WAWSA or associated clubs. It can be viewed here.
The 2021 calendar has been uploaded to the web site. It can be viewed here.
The Contest Results from State Round 4 and State Round 5 held in Port Denison have now been posted. View here.
Scanned and uploaded all known copies of the Western Australian magazine (Waveski West) and various WA newsletters that were produced before digital copies were kept. There are some very interesting insights into the past for Waveski Surfing in WA as well as in Australia. Whether you are a Waveskier from the past or relatively new to Waveski Surfing you might find some of the reads worth it.
Uploaded some changes to the web site. Add a news scroller on main page.
Made some adjustments to the web pages and added some more information. Eskimo Rolls and some history on waveskis. Also found an old program from the 1999 Australian Waveski Titles held on Rottnest Island Western Australia. See the menu for more information.
Added two Waveski Karma newsletters from New South Wales. Also aded some old Waveski West Newsletters and some newsletters from the Perth Waveski Club. In addition there are a few more newsletters and magazines to scan and upload. Progressively working through them.
Added some more Surf Ski Quarterly magazines.
Started uploading some Surf Ski Quarterly Magazines. A slow process, but it should be worth in the long run. Surf Ski Quarterly
Started uploading old newsletter that predate the internet publications. Newsletters
Uploaded some instructions on Eskimo Rolls from a 1984 issue of the Waveski Australia Magazine.
17 April 2018 | |
The date for State Round 2 for 2018 has been moved from the 12th May to the 19th May. Please See the calendar. | |
29 October 2017 | |
Most of the adjustments to the website have now been completed. There still remains a few problems. I hope to rectify these in the next few days. | |
23 October 2017 | |
Today the website was moved from being hosted at a residential adress to the main servers of our ISP. It is expected that the response time in loading web pages will be significatly improved. | |
4 September 2017 | |
The 2018 Committee names have been updated. | |
4 September 2017 | |
The 2018 calendar has been updated with dates for contests. | |
18 August 2017 | |
There is a Wavemaster waveski FOR SALE here. SOLD on the 23/08/2017. | |
14 July 2017 | |
There is a Nicki Carstens waveski FOR SALE here. | |
02 July 2017 | |
State Round 5 date has not been set as yet. The AGM date has been announced. RSVP for the AGM/Breakfast. |
30 August 2016 | |
State Round 3 is now re-scheduled for Saturday 3rd September and entries are now open again. | |
28 August 2016 | |
An announcement of the date for State Round 3 is likely to be made sometime on Monday 29th August. | |
26 August 2016 | |
WAWSA State Round 3 has been postponed due to Northwest weather. The likelyhood of being able to run a contest at Secret Harbour with Northwest weather is remote. The committee has made the decision to postpone the event until a later date. That date will be announced as soon as a decision has been discussed. The status of your entries will also be announced at the same time. | |
23 October 2015 | |
The WAWSA EGM & Awards have been set for 6th February 2016. See events calendar. | |
3 September 2015 | |
The September newsletter has been emailed and is now available for download. | |
1 September 2015 | |
The AGM nminutes have been uploaded. A draft 2016 calendar has been uploaded. The new committee positions have been updated. | |
1 September 2015 | |
The date and times for State Round at Secert Harbour have been confirmed. | |
31 August 2015 | |
The results of State Round 3 - Cottesloe have been uploaded. | |
27 August 2015 | |
It appears that the date that we chose for State Round 4 has clashed with the AFL Grand Final. We selected the date prior to the AFL setting their date, however a request for the AFL Grand Final to be changed has not been been successful. We will therefore be discussing a change of date. A decision will be made during the AGM on the 30/08/2015. | |
20 August 2015 | |
The August newsletter was emailed. A copy can be found at Newsletters. | |
17 August 2015 | |
RSVP for the AGM need to be in by the 26/08/15. Address is 199 Scarborough Beach Rd & Corner Flamborough St, Doubleview, WA. Google Map & Google Street View | |
8 August 2015 | |
State Round 3 - The Mainpeak Cottesloe Classic online entry is now open. | |
28 July 2015 | |
The WAWSA Anuual General meeting (AGM) date has been set for Sunday 30th August 2015 at 9:00am. RSVP by Wednesday 26th August. Starting at 9:00am at Al Fornetto Cafe Ristorante é Pizzeria, 199 Scarborough Beach Rd & Corner Flamborough St, Doubleview, WA. More detail by way of email soon. Google Map & Google Street View |
6 April 2015 | |
The Entries for State Round 2 at Denmark is now available online and for download. | |
6 April 2015 | |
A WAWSA April Newsletter is now available about the last contest, the coming contest and BBQ as well as a few other things. | |
4 March 2015 | |
The results for State Round 1 (2015) have now been posted along with the Grand Prix results. | |
13 February 2015 | |
State Round 1 (2015) Entry Forms now available. | |
18 January 2015 | |
The final Grand Prix results for 2014 have been updated. | |
29 December 2014 | |
Western Australian Wave Ski Association 2014 Awards & Wave Ski Promotional Breakfast Sunday 8:30am 18th January, 2015. RSVP: See Events Calendar. | |
23 November 2014 | |
WAWSA Calendar has been updated for 2015. State Rounds 3 ∓ 4 dates have been penciled in. Confirmation once Local Govenment approval has been received. | |
23 November 2014 | |
Extra Genaral Meeting has been held. Minutes to be available after verification and approval. | |
9 November 2014 | |
The first WSA Newsletter is available to view. WSA Newsletter No. 1 | |
2 November 2014 | |
State Round 4 entries have opened. | |
28 October 2014 | |
The minutes for the 2014 AGM have been posted online. An email will be sent on how to access them. | |
26 October 2014 | |
The new office bearers have been elected for 2015. Please see the link Committee Members for 2015. | |
26 October 2014 | |
Due to unsuitable conditions State Round 4 has been postponed until Sunday 16th November 2014 at either Secret Harbour or Lancelin (TBA). When entries open again they will be open to everyone./td> | |
12 October 2014 | |
The entry form and the online entry for State Round 4 at Secret Harbour for Sunday 26th October 2014 is now open. | |
6 October 2014 | |
State Round 4 at Secret Harbour is confirmed for Sunday 26th October 2014. Meeting will be at 6:30am at Turtles Bend Secret Harbour. Online Entries and manual entry forms will be available on Monday 13th October. | |
8 September 2014 | |
The Annual General meeting (AGM) for 2014 will be held after State Round 4 at Secret Harbour. Exact details to be advised. | |
5 August 2014 | |
The WA Waveski calendar for 2015 has been posted under the events menu. Please be advised that some information could be subject to change. | |
21 July 2014 | |
State Round 4 has now been re-scheduled from Sunday 19th October to the Sunday 26th October. | |
12 July 2014 | |
Paddle Surf Magazine. A FREE online magazine for surf kayaking, waveski, and SUP surfing. Subscribe now for free.![]() |
12 July 2014 | |
The WAWSA committee is having a meeting on Sunday 20th July 2014. please refer to the Waveski Calendar. | |
12 July 2014 | |
The date for State Round 4 has been set for Sunday 19th October 2014. The meeting place time is yet to be confirm, but is most likely to be the similar as past years. | |
13 January 2014 | |
The Waveski Events calendar has been updated. | |
12 October 2013 | |
Grand Prix 2013 Points are now available online. | |
12 October 2013 | |
State Round 4 Result are now available online. | |
04 October 2013 | |
The 2013 Australian Waveski Titles Entry Form is now available for download. | |
28 September 2013 | |
State Round 4 Entry Form is now available. | |
13 Septemebr 2013 | |
New video from G Land by Bernie Huigsloot. | |
09 Septemebr 2013 | |
The WAWSA events calendar has been updated for 2014. | |
05 Septemebr 2013 | |
State Grand Prix Results. | |
05 Septemebr 2013 | |
State Round 3 Results. | |
21 August 2013 | |
State Round 3 has been moved from Saturday 24th August to SUNDAY 25th August. | |
10 August 2013 | |
Newsletter for August is now available for download. | |
10 August 2013 | |
Entry form for Cottesloe Classic (SR3) available for download. | |
09 August 2013 | |
Jeffy Jolly's video of Maldives - 2013. | |
04 August 2013 | |
Katana Waveski still For Sale now with some photos. | |
04 August 2013 | |
The Grand Prix Points have been updated. Grand Prix. | |
04 August 2013 | |
The State Round 2 Results have been posted. Round 2. | |
12 July 2013 | |
Jeffy Jolly's report from the Maldives. | |
11 July 2013 | |
Added the ability for members and non members to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from the News Emails. See links under News. | |
11 July 2013 | |
It appears that the date for the Australian Waveski Title is to be 13-16 November 2013. | |
11 July 2013 | |
State Round 2 photos have been up loaded. | |
11 July 2013 | |
The date for the Western Australian State Round 3 at Cottesloe in now on Saturday 24th August 2013. | |
5 May 2013 | |
The Perth Waveski Club Membership Form is now online for download. | |
14 April 2013 | |
State Round 2 Online Entry Form now active. | |
14 April 2013 | |
State Round 2 Entry Form now online for download. | |
18 February 2013 | |
Richard has had his shoulder operation 10 days ago and is well on the way to recovery. Hope to see you in the surf soon. Until then, we might be able to get some waves to ourselves. All the best Croomey. :-) | |
16 February 2013 | |
The results for State Round 1 have been emailed and a copy posted on the web site. Photos from the contest have now been uploaded to the photo gallery. | |
02 February 2013 | |
The Entry Forms for State Round 1 being held at Lancelin have been emailed. | |
01 February 2013 | |
February Newsletter is now available. | |
01 February 2013 | |
Entry Forms for State Round 1 being held at Lancelin went online. A first for Western Australia. | |
29 January 2013 | |
Ben John Video on See videos here or at | |
29 January 2013 | |
Jeff Jolly has posted another video on YouTube. See Jeff Jolly videos | |
27 January 2013 | |
While still in the testing stage, it is expected that the first State Round for 2013 will have an online entry for those that wish to use it. The existing paper entry will still be available. | |
19 January 2013 | |
The Event Calendar has been updated. The 2013 AGM minutes have been posted online under the download menu. | |
17 January 2013 | |
The WA Waveski Association held its first committe meeting for 2013. Almost all the dates for the 2013 calendar year have now been confirmed. The online events calendar has also been updated. The draft minutes for the 2012 year and AGM held in January 2013 have been now been finalised and are availabe for viewing here. | |
13 January 2013 | |
The WA Waveski Association AGM was held and new office bearers have been elected. A draft Events Calendar for 2013 has also been set for 2013. This information has been posted on this web site. | |
16 October 2012 | |
The entry form for the World Waveski Surfing Titles in Brazil is now available at the World Waveski Surfing Association Web Site. The event will be run from 22-28 April 2013. Entries can be completed on-line with payment by Paypal. Entries close on 8 April 2013. | |